
  • 职称:青年研究员,硕士生导师、博士生导师

  • 职务:复旦大学生物力学与智能康复工程实验室负责人

  • 电子邮箱:chenwm@fudan.edu.cn

  • 办公地点:上海市杨浦区国权北路1566弄(湾谷科技园二期D2栋)1311

  • 电话:

  • 个人网页:http://homepage.fudan.edu.cn/chenwm/

  • 研究方向

  • 招生专业

  • 授课情况

  • 科研项目

  • 代表性论文和论著

  • 教育工作经历

  • 学术兼职

  • 获奖情况

  • 肌骨系统生物力学

  • 软组织力学与步态分析

  • 仿生假肢与外骨骼

  • 生物医学工程(学术学位)

  • 电子信息(专业学位)

  • 医用工程力学(研究生课程)、智能康复工程(研究生课程)

  • 科技部国家重点研发计划,项目编号:2018YFC2001500,老年运动系统疾病生物力学智能矫治机制与关键技术研发,课题负责人,2021-10至2022-12

  • 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划” 生物医药科技支撑专项,项目编号:20S31901000,步态中足底多维力检测解耦机理及关键技术研发,课题负责人,2020-10至2023-09

  • 上海航天控制技术研究所合作项目,康复外骨骼-肌骨系统耦合动力学研究, 课题负责人,2020-06至2021-12

  • 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”高新技术项目, 项目编号:21511102200,神经系统与运动系统病变的步态大数据及云平台关键技术研发, 课题负责人,2021-10-01至2023-09-30

  • 复旦大学医工结合重点项目, 智能下肢假肢力(触)觉仿生系统研发,技术负责人,2023-01至2024-12

  • 国家军委科技委重点项目, 人体肌骨系统增强技术及系统研发, 课题负责人,2022-06至2025-12

  • 科技部国家重点研发计划主动健康和老龄化科技应对专项,项目编号:2021YFC200235,老年人足部辅具关键技术研究及应用推广,课题参与人,2022-07 至 2025-06

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,步态中剪切力影响糖尿病足溃疡风险的生物力学机制研究,项目编号:12372322,课题负责人,2024-01 至 2027-12

  • H. Luo, X. Zhang, Y. Xu, J. Yu, X. Ma and W.-M. Chen (2024). A Novel Flexible Multidimensional Force Platform for Assessing Regional Plantar Pressure and Shear Stress Under the Foot During Gait. IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume: 24, no. 7, pp. 11723-11733. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3361018.

  • X Zhang, Z Teng, X Geng, X Ma, W-M Chen.(2023). A fluoroscopic imaging-guided computational analyses to inform internal tissue loads within fat pad of the diabetic foot during gait. Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 157: 111744. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111744

  • Yinxiao Lu, Jun Zhu, Wenming Chen, Xin Ma.(2023). An IMU-Based Real-Time Gait Detection Method for Intelligent Control of Knee Assistive Devices. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Volume: 72: 2532309. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3329222

  • B Hu, F Liu, K Cheng, W Chen. et al.(2023) Stiffness Optimal Modulation of a Variable Stiffness Energy Storage Hip Exoskeleton and Experiments on Its Assistance Effect. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 31: 1045-1055. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2023.3236256

  • L Qian, X Yang, X Ma, Y Yu, W-M Chen.(2022). Integration of reginal shear measurements at the foot-ground interface during routine balance assessment of the elderly population. Gait & Posture, Volume 96: 18-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.05.008

  • Z Fan, X Hu, W Chen et al.(2022). A deep learning based 2-dimensional hip pressure signals analysis method for sitting posture recognition. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. Volume 73:103432. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2021.103432

  • Wang D, Hu B, Chen WM et al.(2021). Design and Preliminary Validation of a Lightweight Powered Exoskeleton During Level Walking for Persons With Paraplegia. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 29: pp.2112-2123. DOI:10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3118725

  • Chen WM, Li J.et al.(2020). The potential influence of stochastic resonance vibrations on neuromuscular strategies and center of pressure sway during single-leg stance. Clinical Biomechanics, 2020; Volume 77: pp.105069-74. DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105069

  • Chen WM, Lee SJ.(2018).Strain behavior of malaligned cervical spine implanted with metal-on-polyethylene, metal-on-metal, and elastomeric artificial disc prostheses. Clinical Biomechanics. Volume 59, November 2018, Pages 19-26. DOI:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.08.005

  • Chen WM, Lee SJ, Lee PVS. (2017). Strategies towards rapid generation of forefoot model incorporating realistic geometry of metatarsals encapsulated into lumped soft tissues for personalized finite element analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 20(13), pp 1421-1430. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2017.1370458

  • Chen, WM., Xie, Y.M., Imbalzano, G.et al (2016). Lattice Ti structures with low rigidity but compatible mechanical strength: Design of implant materials for trabecular bone. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 17, 793-799. DOI:10.1007/S12541-016-0097-6

  • Chen WM, Lee SJ, Lee PVS. (2015). Plantar pressure relief under the metatarsal heads–Therapeutic insole design using three-dimensional finite element model of the foot. Journal of Biomechanics. 48 (4), pp 659–665. DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.12.043

  • Chen WM, Lee SJ, Lee PVS. (2014). The in-vivo plantar soft tissue mechanical property under the metatarsal head: Implications of tissues’ joint-Angle dependent response in foot finite element modeling. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 40, 264–274. DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.007

  • Martig S, Chen WM, Lee PVS, Whitton R. (2014). Bone fatigue and its implications for injuries in racehorses. Equine veterinary journal. 46 (4), 408-415. DOI:10.1111/evj.12241

  • Chen WM, Shim VPW, Park SB, Lee T. (2012), Role of gastrocnemius-soleus muscle in forefoot force transmission at heel rise – A 3D finite element analysis. Journal of Biomechanics, 45(10): 1783-1809. DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.04.024

  • Chen WM, Shim VPW, Lee T. (2011), An instrumented tissue tester for measuring soft tissue property under the metatarsal heads in relation to metatarsophalangeal joint angle. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(9): 1801-1804. DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.03.031

  • Chen WM, Lee SJ, Shim VPW, Lee T. (2010). A novel gait platform to measure isolated plantar metatarsal forces during walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 43(10): 2017–2021. DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.03.036

  • Chen WM, Lee T, Lee PVS, Lee JW, Lee SJ. (2010). Effects of internal stress concentrations in plantar soft-tissue—A preliminary three-dimensional finite element analysis. Medical Engineering & Physics, 32(4): 324–331. DOI:10.1016/j.medengphy.2010.01.001

  • Ahn YH, Chen WM, Lee SJ. (2009). Comparison of the load-sharing characteristics between pedicle-based dynamic and rigid rod devices. Biomedical Materials, 3:044101-6. DOI:10.1088/1748-6041/3/4/044101

  • W-M Chen, C Park, K Lee, S Lee. (2009). In situ contact analysis of the prosthesis components of Prodisc-L in lumbar spine following total disc replacement. Spine, 34(20):E716-23. DOI:10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181ae23d1

  • 2019/6–至今,复旦大学,工程与应用技术研究院,青年研究员;

  • 2016/11–2019/5,上海理工大学,医疗与康复工程国际实验室,副教授;

  • 2015/3–2016/10,韩国仁济大学, 工程学院 医用工学部,助理教授;

  • 2013/11–2015/3, 澳大利亚,墨尔本大学,机械工程系, Research Fellow;

  • 2011/11–2013/10, 澳大利亚,墨尔本大学,机械工程系, 博士后;

  • 2007/08-2011/10,新加坡国立大学, 生物医学工程,博士学位;

  • 中华医学会,数字医学分会,青年委员

  • 世界华人生物医学工程师学会(WACBE),委员

  • 假肢与矫形器技术与临床应用,编委

  • Applied Bionics and Biomechanics(SCI期刊), Editorial Board

  • 2017年度,上海市科委和人力资源保障部,上海市浦江人才,排名1

  • 2016年度,年度杰出评审员,Elsevier,Journal of Biomechanics期刊,排名1

  • 2015年度, Yamaguchi 奖牌获得者, 亚太地区生物力学学会(Asia-Pacific Society of Biomechanics)和日本机械学会(Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineering),排名1

  • 2011年度, “Martyn Shorten Innovation Award”-ISB创新学术奖, 国际生物力学学会(International Society of Biomechanics),排名1