
  • 院所:复旦大学工研院智能机器人研究院

  • 姓名:张立华

  • 职称:特聘教授

  • 职务:智能机器人研究院常务副院长、复旦大学元宇宙智慧医疗研究所所长

  • 电子邮箱:lihuazhang@fudan.edu.cn

  • 办公地点:上海市杨浦区国权北路1566弄湾谷科技园二期D2栋

  • 电话:021-65641242

  • 个人网页/课题组主页:

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  • 授课情况

  • 科研项目

  • 代表性论文和著作

  • 教育工作经历

  • 学术兼职

  • 获奖情况

  • 人工智能、元宇宙及其交叉创新,包括:机器直觉等新一代人工智能理论,计算机视觉、情感分析与多模态智能感知,物理仿真与数字孪生、智能机器人与无人系统以及智慧医疗、智能网联汽车等领域创新应用

  • 《智能机器人前沿》工研院研究生课程

  • 科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目,项目编号:2021ZD0113500,标准化儿童患者模型关键技术与应用,起止年月:2021-12至2024-11,首席科学家

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目,项目编号:82090052,肝癌智能化精准外科的共性关键技术体系的建立,起止年月:2021-01至2025-12,项目负责人

  • 上海市人工智能科技重大专项-人工智能前沿基础理论与关键技术,项目编号:2021SHZDZX0103,项目六-“人机物三元协同行为与群智涌现”,起止年月:2020-12至2025-6,项目负责人

  • 上海市“科技创新行动计划”优秀学术/技术带头人计划项目,OpenCL编译框架,项目编号:21XD1430300,2021.09至2024.08,项目负责人

  • 上海市“科技创新行动计划”人工智能科技支撑专项项目,三元空间智能智能基础理论与关键技术前瞻性研究,起止年月:2019-10至2022-09,项目执行负责人

  • 省部级重点实验室开放课题,智能机器人基础性、关键性技术研究,起止年月:2019-07至2023-06,项目负责人

  • 吉林省科技发展计划项目,车联网大数据数字孪生计算分析平台研发,项目编号:20230201012GX,2023.01至2025.12,项目负责人

  • 吉林省科技发展计划技术攻关项目,智能工业摄像头关键技术攻关及应用,项目编号:20190302033GX,2019-01至2021-12,项目负责人

  • 长春市科技创新“双十工程”项目,智擎”人工智能云平台开发,项目编号:18SS013,2018-04至2020-03,项目负责人

  • 中国电子学会-腾讯Robotics X犀牛鸟专项研究计划(2023),面向机器人研发的虚实集成系统工具的若干关键技术研究, 2024,项目负责人

  • 中国电子学会-腾讯Robotics X犀牛鸟专项研究计划(2022),面向机器人研发的虚实集成系统工具的关键技术研究,2023,项目负责人

  • 代表性论著:

  • 1)张立华等(2023). 第八章“人机融合智能”,《2021-2021智能科学与技术学科发展报告》,中国科学技术出版社.

  • 2)甘中学、孙富春、刘立、张立华等(2019),2.3.6基于全息数据的通用人工智能发展技术,《中国人工智能2.0发展战略研究》,浙江大学出版社.

  • 3)张涛主编,张立华等担任编委(2022). 智能无人系统产业发展研究报告(2022版). 清华大学出版社.

  • 代表性论文:

  • [1]Shi, X., Zuo, Y., Zhai, P., Shen, J., Yang, Y., Gao, Z., ... Zhang, L., … & Peng, H. (2021). Large-area display textiles integrated with functional systems. Nature, 591(7849), 240-245.

  • [2]Zhang, K., Shi, X., Jiang, H., Zeng, K., Zhou, Z., Zhai, P., Zhang, L., & Peng H. (2024). Design and fabrication of wearable electronic textiles using twisted fiber-based threads. Nature Protocols (2024).

  • [3]翟鹏,张立华*,董志岩,万森,郭雨晨,甘中学*,戴琼海*.机器直觉.中国科学:信息科学, 2020, 50: 1475–1500. (doi: 10.1360/SSI-2020-0075).

  • [4]Li, M., Yang, D., Lei, Y., Wang, S., Wang, S., Su, L., ... & Zhang, L*. (2024). A Unified Self-Distillation Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Uncertain Missing Modalities. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024) (Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 10074-10082).

  • [5]Hou, T., Tu, J., Gao, X., Dong, Z., Zhai, P., & Zhang, L.* (2024). Multi-Task Learning of Active Fault-Tolerant Controller for Leg Failures in Quadruped Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) accepted.

  • [6]Wang, Y., Yang, D., Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Zhang, W., Zhang, L.* and Qi, L., (2024). De-confounded Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Handling Distribution Shifts. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024).

  • [7]Yang, D., Yang, K., Li, M., Wang, S., Wang, S., & Zhang, L.* (2024). Robust emotion recognition in context debiasing. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024).

  • [8]Wang, S., Yang, D., Li, M., Kuang, H., Zhao, X., Su, L., Zhai, P., Zhang, L.* (2024). CPR-Coach: Recognizing Composite Error Actions based on Single-class Training. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024).

  • [9]Li, M., Yang, D., Zhao, X., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Yang, K., ... & Zhang, L*. (2024). Correlation-Decoupled Knowledge Distillation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Incomplete Modalities. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024).

  • [10]Liu, L.,Yang, J.,Lin, Y., Zhang, P.,Zhang, L.* (2024). 3D human pose estimation with single image and inertial measurement unit (IMU) sequence, Pattern Recognition,Volume 149, 2024, 110175, ISSN 0031-3203.

  • [11]Wang, Z., Han, J., Liang, J.,...., Zhang L.*.(2024). Joint interframe separation and gamma correction for asynchronous optical camera communication systems based on high-order statistics, Opt. Express 32, 14808-14825.

  • [12]Kuang, H., Yang, X., Li, H., Wei, J., & Zhang, L.* (2024). Adaptive Multi-Phase Liver Tumor Segmentation with Multi-Scale Supervision. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), vol. 31, pp. 426-430.

  • [13]Han, M., Zhang, X., Yang, D., Liu, T., Kuang, H., Feng, J., & Zhang, L*. (2024). Multi-scale heterogeneity-aware hypergraph representation for histopathology whole slide images. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2024), accepted.

  • [14]Yuan, R., Tang, M., Kou, D., Sun, M., Yang, D., Zhao, X., & Zhang, L*. (2024). IIPC: Intra-inter patch correlations for garment collision handling. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2024), accepted.

  • [15]Yang, D., Yang, K., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Xu, Z., Yin, R., ... & Zhang, L.* (2023). How2comm: Communication-efficient and collaboration-pragmatic multi-agent perception. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023).

  • [16]Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Ali, S., Zhao, X., Sun, M., ... Zhang, L.* (2023). Anatomical-Aware Point-Voxel Network for Couinaud Segmentation in Liver CT. In: Greenspan, H., et al. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14222. Springer, Cham.

  • [17]Yang, D., Chen, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Li, M., Liu, S., ... & Zhang, L.* (2023). Context De-confounded Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023) (pp. 19005-19015).

  • [18]Yang, D., Liu, Y., Huang, C., Li, M., Zhao, X., Wang, Y., ... & Zhang, L.* (2023). Target and source modality co-reinforcement for emotion understanding from asynchronous multimodal sequences. Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), 265, 110370.

  • [19]Yang, D., Huang, S., Xu, Z., Li, Z., Wang, S., Li, M., ... & Zhang, L.* (2023). AIDE: A Vision-Driven Multi-View, Multi-Modal, Multi-Tasking Dataset for Assistive Driving Perception. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2023) (pp. 20459-20470).

  • [20]Li, M., Yang, D., & Zhang, L*. (2023). Towards robust multimodal sentiment analysis under uncertain signal missing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL).

  • [21]Wang, S., Yang, D., Zhai, P., Zhang, L.* (2023). CPR-CLIP: Multimodal Pre-training for Composite Error Recognition in CPR Training. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 31, 211-215.

  • [22]Wang, S., Wang, S., Yang, D., Li, M., Qian, Z., Su, L., & Zhang, L*. (2023). HandGCAT: Occlusion-Robust 3D Hand Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Images. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2023), 2495-2500.

  • [23]Long, W., Hou, T., Wei, X., Yan, S., Zhai, P., & Zhang, L.* (2023). A Survey on Population-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning. Mathematics, 11(10), 2234.

  • [24]Deng, T., Huo, Z., Zhang, L.*, Dong, Z., Niu, L., Kang, X., & Huang, X. (2023). A VR-based BCI interactive system for UAV swarm control. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 85, 104944.

  • [25]Kuang, H., Yang, D., Wang, S., Wang, X., & Zhang, L.* (2023, June). Towards Simultaneous Segmentation Of Liver Tumors And Intrahepatic Vessels Via Cross-Attention Mechanism. In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

  • [26]Zhao, X., Su, L., Zhang, X., Yang, D., Sun, M., Wang, S., ... & Zhang, L.* (2023, June). D-CONFORMER: Deformable Sparse Transformer Augmented Convolution for Voxel-Based 3D Object Detection. In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

  • [27]Zhai, P., Luo, J., Dong, Z., Zhang, L.*, Wang, S., & Yang, D. (2022). Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning with Dissipation Inequation Constraint.(2022). In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022). AAAI Press.

  • [28]Zhai, P., Hou, T., Ji, X., Dong, Z., & Zhang, L.* (2022). Robust adaptive ensemble adversary reinforcement learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), 7(4), 12562-12568.

  • [29]Yang, D., Huang, S., Kuang, H., Du, Y., & Zhang, L.* (2022, October). Disentangled representation learning for multimodal emotion recognition. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia  (ACM MM) (pp. 1642-1651).

  • [30]Yang, D., Kuang, H., Huang, S., & Zhang, L.* (2022, October). Learning modality-specific and-agnostic representations for asynchronous multimodal language sequences. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia  (ACM MM) (pp. 1708-1717).

  • [31]Yang, D., Huang, S., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Zhai, P., Su, L., ... & Zhang, L.* (2022, October). Emotion recognition for multiple context awareness. In European Conference on Computer Vision  (ECCV) (pp. 144-162). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

  • [32]Wang, S., Wang, S., Jiao, B., Yang, D., Su, L., Zhai, P., ... & Zhang, L.* (2022, October). CA-SpaceNet: Counterfactual Analysis for 6D Pose Estimation in Space. In 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 10627-10634). IEEE.

  • [33]Yang, D., Huang, S., Liu, Y., & Zhang, L.* (2022). Contextual and cross-modal interaction for multi-modal speech emotion recognition. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 29, 2093-2097.

  • [34]Wang, C., Gong, P., & Zhang, L.* (2022, May). Stpointgcn: Spatial temporal graph convolutional network for multiple people recognition using millimeter-wave radar. In ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 3433-3437). IEEE.

  • [35]Wang, S., Yang, D., Zhai, P., Chen, C., & Zhang, L.* (2021, October). Tsa-net: Tube self-attention network for action quality assessment. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on multimedia (ACM MM) (pp. 4902-4910).

  • [36]Kuang, H., Yang, Z., Zhang, X., Tan, J., Wang, X., & Zhang, L.* (2022). Hepatic vein and arterial vessel segmentation in liver tumor patients. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022.

  • [37]Du, Y., Yang, D., Zhai, P., Li, M., & Zhang, L.* (2021, September). Learning associative representation for facial expression recognition. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 889-893). IEEE.

  • [38]Gong, P., Wang, C., & Zhang, L.* (2021, July). Mmpoint-gnn: Graph neural network with dynamic edges for human activity recognition through a millimeter-wave radar. In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

  • [39]Zhu, H., Jiao, B., Zhang, J., Jia, X., Wang, Y., Guan, T., ... Zhang, L., & Liu, M. (2022, February). COMB-MCM: Computing-on-memory-boundary NN processor with bipolar bitwise sparsity optimization for scalable multi-chiplet-module edge machine learning. In 2022 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (Vol. 65, pp. 1-3). IEEE.

  • [40]Zhang, J., Jiao, B., Wang, Y., Zhu, H., Zhang, L., … & Chen, C. (2021, June). ALPINE: An Agile Processing-in-Memory Macro Compilation Framework. In Proceedings of the 2021 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (pp. 333-338).

  • [41]Jiao, B., Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Wang, S., Zhu, H., Kang, X., ... Zhang, L., & Chen, C. (2021, January). A 0.57-gops/dsp object detection pim accelerator on fpga. In Proceedings of the 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (pp. 13-14).

  • [42]Jiao, B., Zhu, H., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Kang, X., Zhang, L., ... & Chen, C. (2021, June). Computing Utilization Enhancement for Chiplet-based Homogeneous Processing-in-Memory Deep Learning Processors. In Proceedings of the 2021 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (pp. 241-246).

  • [43]Zhu, H., Chen, C., Liu, S., Zou, Q., Wang, M., Zhang, L., & Shi, C. J. R. (2020). A communication-aware dnn accelerator on imagenet using in-memory entry-counting based algorithm-circuit-architecture co-design in 65-nm cmos. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 10(3), 283-294.

  • [44]杨鼎康, 黄帅, 王顺利, 翟鹏, 李一丹, & 张立华*.(2022). 基于生成对抗网络和网络集成的面部表情识别方法ee-gan. 计算机应用, 42(3), 750-756. (doi:CNKI:SUN:JSJY.0.2022-03-014).

  • [45]成祥,陈迟晓,翟鹏,张立华*.(2022). 面向光束平差法的视觉SLAM并行计算架构与实现. 小型微型计算机系统. 2022, 43(9): 1931-1938. (doi:10.20009/j.cnki.21-1106/TP.2021-0170).

  • [46]王紫烟, 张立华*, 翟鹏, 杜洋涛.(2021). 基于3D-SVD的时空行为定位算法. 计算机系统应用, 2021, 30(10): 109-117 (doi:10.15888/j.cnki.csa.008122).

  • [47]吴秉慧,董志岩,翟鹏,张立华*.(2021).无人机平飞下激光雷达和双目视觉融合的SLAM建图.计算机应用与软件.

  • [48]郑龙澍,林野,翟鹏,张立华*. (2021). 基于非局部注意力机制的多目标跟踪算法. 计算机应用与软件.

  • [49]Zhang, L., Xu, W., & Chang, C. (2003). Genetic algorithm for affine point pattern matching. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24(1-3), 9-19.

  • [50]Xu, W., & Zhang, L. (2001). A geometric reasoning based algorithm for point pattern matching. Science in China Series: Information Sciences, 44, 445-452.

  • 1989年9月-1994年7月,清华大学,自动控制专业,学士

  • 1994年9月-2000年6月,清华大学,控制理论与控制工程专业,硕士、博士

  • 智能机器人教育部工程研究中心 副主任

  • 吉林省智能科学与工程联合重点实验室 主任

  • 吉林省人工智能与无人系统(智能无人系统)工程研究中心 主任

  • 中国人工智能学会(CAAI)人机融合智能专业委员会 主任委员

  • 中国人工智能学会(CAAI)脑与AI决策咨询专家团队 核心专家

  • 复旦大学电子信息专业学位研究生教育指导委员会 副主任

  • 复旦大学工程与应用技术研究院 学术委员会委员

  • 复旦大学工程与应用技术研究院 教学指导委员会委员

  • 复旦大学工程与应用技术研究院 高级专业技术职务评审委员会委员

  • 科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目责任专家、主审专家

  • 全国信标委生物特征识别分委会(TC28/SC37)委员兼行为识别工作组组长

  • 国际电工委员会生物数字融合标准化评估组 (IEC / SEG 12) 国内专家组专家

  • 中国医学装备协会管理分会医学与工程技术转化应用学组 副组长

  • 中国仿真学会(CSF)第一届智能无人系统建模与仿真专业委员会 委员

  • 吉林省机器人学会 副理事长

  • 吉林省院士专家联合会 常务理事

  • 吉林国家应用数学中心 学术委员会委员

  • 长春理工大学人工智能学院专家委员会 副主任

  • 集成芯片与系统国家重点实验室 固定成员

  • 吉林大学唐敖庆讲座教授、长春大学客座教授、东北电力大学客座教授

  • 2024年,2023年中国产学研合作创新奖

  • 2023年,全国归侨侨眷先进个人

  • 2023年,2023中国元宇宙产业领军人物

  • 2023年,2023中国元宇宙产业发展推动奖

  • 2023年,《科学中国人》2022年度“影响力科学家”

  • 2022年,中国人工智能学会会士(CAAI Fellow)

  • 2022年,全国最美科技工作者候选人(中国人工智能学会推荐)

  • 2022年,2021中国光学十大进展(应用研究类)

  • 2022年,吉林省拔尖创新人才(第一层次)

  • 2021年,中国人工智能学会优秀科技工作者

  • 2021年,中国人工智能学会优秀科技成果奖

  • 2021年,上海市“科技创新行动计划”优秀学术/技术带头人

  • 2020年,中国人工智能学会优秀会员

  • 2017年,国家级特聘专家

  • 2015年,国侨办重点华侨华人创业团队